Peer-reviewed Publications
Z. Smeets Křístková, H.D. Cui, B. Rokicki, R. M'Barek, H. van Meijl, K. Boysen-Urban (2025) European green bonds, carbon tax and crowding-out: The economic, social and environmental impacts of the EU's green investments under different financing scenarios, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (211),
Sartori,M., Ferrari,E., M'Barek,R., Philippidis,G., Boysen-Urban,K., Borrelli,P., Montanarella,L., Panagos, P., (2024) Remaining Loyal to Our Soil: A Prospective Integrated Assessment of Soil Erosion on Global Food Security, Ecological Economics,
Philippidis, G., M'barek, R., Boysen-Urban, K. and W.J. van Zeist, (2023) Exploring economy-wide sustainable conditions for EU bio-chemical activities, Ecological Economics, 210, 2023, 107857,
Boysen, O., K. Boysen-Urban and A. Matthews (2022) Stabilising European Union Farm Incomes in the Era of Climate Change. In: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 1– 25.
Berndt, M., Boysen-Urban, K., Ehjeij, S., Espey, A., Feuerbacher, A., Flaig, D., Heimann, T., Hess, S., Kempen, M., Schünemann, F., and Wieck, C. (2022): Implications of Russia’s War in Ukraine for the Global Agri-Food Sector – An Ex-Ante Assessment using Different Simulation Models. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 3, pp. 134-149. doi:
Boulanger, P. Boysen-Urban, K. and G. Philippidis (2021): European Union Agricultural Support ‘Coupling’ in Simulation Modelling: Measuring the Sustainability Impacts. In: Sustainability, 13, 3264.
Boysen-Urban, K., Brockmeier, M., Jensen, H.G. and O. Boysen (2020): Measuring the Trade Restrictiveness of Domestic Support using the EU Common Agricultural Policy as an Example. In: Journal of Agricultural Economics 71(2).
Boysen, O., Boysen-Urban, K., Bradford, H. and J. Balie (2019): Taxing Highly Processed Foods: What could be the impacts on Obesity and Underweight in Sub-Saharan Africa? In: World Development 119, 55-67.
Yang, F., Urban, K., Brockmeier, M., Bekkers, E. and J. Francois (2017): Impact of Increasing Agricultural Domestic Support on Food Price Transmission. In: China Agricultural Economic Review, 9, 535-567.
Urban, K., Jensen, H.G. and M. Brockmeier (2016): How Decoupled is the Single Farm Payment and Does it Matter for International Trade? In: Food Policy, 59, 126-138.
Urban, K., Jensen, H.G. and M. Brockmeier (2014): Extending the GTAP Model and Database to cover Domestic Support Issues using the EU as Example. (GTAP Technical Paper Series No. 35). Purdue University, West Lafayette, Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP).
Book chapters
Korovin, V., Zernov, A., Boysen-Urban, K., Brockmeier, M. and O. Boysen (2020): The impact of global development pathways on food security and diet quality: Results of a global economic model. In Biesalski H.K. (ed): Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems. How to Combat the Double Burden of Malnutrition? World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics. Basel, Karger, 2020, 121, 127–137.
Boysen-Urban, K., Boysen, O. and C. Schiesari (2018): Markets of Biobased Resources and Products. In: Lewandowski, I., Bioeconomy: Shaping the Transition to a Sustainable, Biobased Economy. Edition 2018, Springer Nature.
Policy reports
De Jong, B., Boysen-Urban, K., De Laurentiis, V., Philippidis, G., Bartelings, H., Mancini, L., Biganzoli, F., Sanye Mengual, E., Sala, S., Lasarte Lopez, J., Rokicki, B. and R. M`barek. (2023). Assessing the economic, social and environmental impacts of food waste reduction targets - A model-based analysis, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023,, JRC133971.
De Laurentiis, V., Mancini, L., Casonato, C., Boysen-Urban, K., De Jong, B., M`barek, R., Sanye Mengual, E. and S. Sala (2023). Setting the scene for an EU initiative on food waste reduction targets - Outcomes of consultation activities and analysis of efforts on food waste reduction, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023,, JRC133967.
Avitabile V, Baldoni E, Baruth B, Bausano G, Boysen-Urban K, Caldeira C, Camia A, Cazzaniga N, Ceccherini G, De Laurentiis V, Doerner H, Giuntoli J, Gras M, Guillen Garcia J, Gurria P, Hassegawa M, Jasinevičius G, Jonsson R, Konrad C, Kupschus S, La Notte A, M'barek R, Mannini A, Migliavacca M, Mubareka S, Patani S, C Pilli R, Rebours C, Ronchetti G, Ronzon T, Rougieux P, Sala S, Sánchez López J, Sanye Mengual E, Sinkko T, Sturm V, Van Leeuwen M, Vasilakopoulos P, Verkerk PJ, Virtanen J, Winker H, Zulian G. Biomass production, supply, uses and flows in the European Union. Integrated assessment. Mubareka S, Migliavacca M, Sánchez López J (Editors). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023,, JRC132358.
Boysen-Urban, K., M’barek, R., Philippidis, G., and H. Ferer Pérez (2022). Exploring changing food attitudes to respect planetary boundaries: a global, model-based analysis, JRC Technical Report Nr. Publications Office of the European Union.
Spekreijse, J., Vikla, K., Vis, M., Boysen-Urban, K., Philippidis, G. and R. M`barek (2021) Bio-based value chains for chemicals, plastics and pharmaceuticals, EUR 30653 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-32459-1,, JRC124141.
Ferrari, E., Chatzopoulos, T., Perez Dominguez, I., Boulanger P., Boysen-Urban K., Himics, M., and R. M’barek (2021): Cumulative economic impact of trade agreements on EU agriculture – 2021 update, EUR 30496 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-27157-4,, JRC123037.
Boulanger, P., Philippidis, G. and Urban, K. (2017): Assessing potential coupling factors of European decoupled payments with the Modular Agricultural GeNeral Equilibrium Tool (MAGNET); EUR 28253 EN; Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, ISBN 978-92-79-64016-2,
Other Publications
Boysen-Urban, K. und O. Boysen (2024) Welchen Beitrag können die „Farm to Fork“-Strategie und die neu ausgerichtete Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik zur Abfederung multipler Schocks leisten? In: Schriftenreihe der Rentenbank - Mehr Resilienz und Wandel – Strategien für Agrarwirtschaft und Politik, 40, 171-202.
Boysen-Urban, K., Ehjeij, S. and D. Flaig (2023). Agrifood prices and international trade flows, Rural21 2/23,
Boysen, O., Boysen-Urban, K. and A. Matthews (2021): Alternative EU CAP Tools for Stabilising Farm Incomes in the Era of Climate Change, Working Papers 202103, Geary Institute, University College Dublin.
Flaig, D. and K. Boysen-Urban (2020): Subsidies in global value chains or where does the money go? In: Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Bd. 55, 2020, S. 73 –90. http://xn--90-31t.https//
Boysen, O., Boysen-Urban, K., Bradford, H. and J. Balie (2020): Could higher junk food taxes reduce obesity. Social Science Journal for Teens.
Boysen, O., Boysen-Urban, K., Bradford, H. and J. Balie (2018): Taxing highly processed foods: Impacts on obesity and underweight in Sub-Saharan Africa. Geary WP2018/12. Geary Institute, University College, Dublin, Ireland. Available at:
Boysen-Urban, K., Boysen, O., Matthews, A., Brockmeier, M. Baricco, J. and M. Zinnbauer (2018): Alternativen zur Einkommensstabilisierung - Sicherheitsnetze in der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik nach 2020. In: Agra Europe 34, 1-16.
Boysen-Urban, K., Boysen, O., Matthews, A., Brockmeier, M. Baricco, J. and M. Zinnbauer (2018): Alternativen zur Einkommensstabilisierung - Sicherheitsnetze in der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik nach 2020. In: Schriftenreihe der Rentenbank, 34, 101-142.
Brockmeier, M., Urban, K., Engelbert, T. and J. Francois (2016): Auswirkungen von TTIP auf die deutsche Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft. In: Agra Europe 25, 1-15.
Brockmeier, M., Urban, K., Engelbert, T. and J. Francois (2016): Auswirkungen der Transatlantischen Handels- und Investitionspartnerschaft zwischen der EU und USA auf die deutsche Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft. In: Schriftenreihe der Rentenbank, 32, 7-44.
Urban, K. (2016): Domestic Support Payments and Trade Distortions: The Neglected Issue in Global General Equilibrium Modeling. Dissertation, University of Hohenheim,
Brockmeier, M., Urban, K. and F. Yang (2013): Einfluß ökonomischer und politischer Faktoren auf den Handel in einer globalisierten Welt. In: Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., 48, 321-333.
Brockmeier, M., Urban, K. and F. Yang (2012): Handel in einer globalisierten Welt: Exportchancen für die deutsche Veredlungsindustrie? In: Schriftenreihe der Rentenbank, 28, 7-50.
Brockmeier, M., Urban, K. and F. Yang (2012): Nahrungsmittelmärkte und Ernährungs-sicherheit. In: Welttrends – Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, 84, 56-63.
Jensen, H.G., Urban, K. and M. Brockmeier (2011): Das Labyrinth der Inländischen Stützung: Eine GTAP-Analyse der WTO-Verhandlungen. In: Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., 46, 457-459.
Current Research Projects
Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy and Practice for Sustainable Food Systems Under the EU-AU Partnership (StEPPFoS)
Short description:
The project “Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy Practice for Sustainable Food Systems under the EU-AU Partnership” (StEPPFoS) supported by the African Union Commission and the European Commission aims to promote policy coherence and alignment across the Pan-African Network for economic Analysis of Policies (PANAP) and for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) to help minimise the fragmentation of agri-food policy initiatives at national and regional levels. The goal is to promote science-based decision-making processes and the exchange of experiences in support of agricultural, food and trade policies and the integrative sustainable transformation of agrifood systems in Africa.
The project is funded by the European Commission's Horizon Europe funding programme for the period 2024-2027 and is coordinated by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA).
The International Agricultural Trade and Food Security group (490b) of the University of Hohenheim participates in the StEPPFoS project together with seventeen other research institutes and organisations in Europe and Africa. The group leads/co-leads three work packages and several activities such as assessing barriers and facilitators of policy-research interaction, providing capacity building in computable general equilibrium modelling and analysis, supporting policy impact assessments and developing scenarios for agrifood system transformation in Africa.
Person involved: Dr. Kirsten Boysen-Urban, Dr. Dorothee Flaig, Dr. Christine Bosch, M.Sc. Emmanuel Namwanja
Partner: Coordinator: Forum For Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), CSIR, CORAF, EDCPM, FANRPAN, RUFORUM, Agrinatura, KIPPRA, Wageningen University and Research, AFAAS, EAFF, Universita Ca' Foscari in Venice, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, LifeWatch ERIC, EAFF, ASARECA, ACU, EC JRC
Funding: European Commission, Horizon Europe
Duration: 2024-2027
Location: Africa

Sino-German International Research Training Group - Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources (AMAIZE-P)
Förderung von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinsschaft (DFG) im Rahmen der Sino-German International Research Training Group: Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources - AMAIZE-P (IRTG 2366) für 1 Doktorandenstelle mit Forschungsthema „Economic assessment of future phosphorus availability: Impacts on agricultural and food markets at farm, national and global levels” von Oktober 2024 bis September 2027.
Die Forschung zielt darauf ab, Phosphor explizit in einem globalen ökonomischen Model abzubilden, um eine potenzielle Verknappung von Phosphor und deren Auswirkungen auf Agrar- und Nahrungsmittelmärkte zu simulieren. Mit Hilfe dieses Modells soll die Rolle des internationalen Handels auf die lokale Verfügbarkeit von Phosphor und somit Ernährungssicherung untersucht werden. Darüber hinaus sollen Szenarien basierend auf den Forschungsergebnissen der anderen Forschungsthemen simuliert werden, um abzuschätzen wie diese eine Verknappung von Phosphor abmildern und somit zur Ernährungssicherung beitragen können."
Weitere Informationen unter diesem Link
Involved Persons
- Dr. Kirsten Boysen-Urban
- Prof Laping Wu
Involved institutions
- Universität Hohenheim, Fachgebiet Internationaler Agrarhandel und Welternährungswirtschaft (490b)
- China Agricultural University
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – 328017493/GRK 2366
Completed Research Projects
Welchen Beitrag können die „Farm to Fork“ – Strategie und die neu ausgerichtete gemeinsame Agrarpolitik zur Abfederung multipler Schocks leisten?
Projektbeginn: April 2023
Projektende: Januar 2024
Studie zur Ausschreibung 2023 der Edmund Rehwinkel-Stiftung der Rentenbank „Mehr Resilienz und Wandel – Strategien für Agrarwissenschaften und Politik“
Involved Persons
Dr. Kirsten Boysen-Urban (UHOH)
Dr. Ole Boysen (School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin)
Alternativen zur Einkommensstabilisierung – Sicherheitsnetze in der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik nach 2020
Projektbeginn: April 2017
Projektende: Januar 2018
Studie zur Ausschreibung 2017 der Edmund Rehwinkel-Stiftung der Rentenbank „Innovative Agrarpolitik nach 2020“
- Dr. Kirsten Boysen-Urban (UHOH)
- Dr. Ole Boysen (School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin)
- Prof. Alan Matthews (Trinity College Dublin)
- Prof. Martina Brockmeier (UHOH)