Research Projects

Current Research Projects

Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy and Practice for Sustainable Food Systems Under the EU-AU Partnership (StEPPFoS)

Short description:

The project “Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy Practice for Sustainable Food Systems under the EU-AU Partnership” (StEPPFoS) supported by the African Union Commission and the European Commission aims to promote policy coherence and alignment across the Pan-African Network for economic Analysis of Policies (PANAP) and for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) to help minimise the fragmentation of agri-food policy initiatives at national and regional levels. The goal is to promote science-based decision-making processes and the exchange of experiences in support of agricultural, food and trade policies and the integrative sustainable transformation of agrifood systems in Africa.

The project is funded by the European Commission's Horizon Europe funding programme for the period 2024-2027 and is coordinated by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA).

The International Agricultural Trade and Food Security group (490b) of the University of Hohenheim participates in the StEPPFoS project together with seventeen other research institutes and organisations in Europe and Africa. The group leads/co-leads three work packages and several activities such as assessing barriers and facilitators of policy-research interaction, providing capacity building in computable general equilibrium modelling and analysis, supporting policy impact assessments and developing scenarios for agrifood system transformation in Africa.

Person involved: Dr. Kirsten Boysen-Urban, Dr. Dorothee Flaig, Dr. Christine Bosch, M.Sc. Emmanuel Namwanja

Partner: Coordinator: Forum For Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), CSIR, CORAF, EDCPM, FANRPAN, RUFORUM, Agrinatura, KIPPRA, Wageningen University and Research, AFAAS, EAFF, Universita Ca' Foscari in Venice, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, LifeWatch ERIC, EAFF, ASARECA, ACU, EC JRC


Funding:  European Commission, Horizon Europe

Duration: 2024-2027

Location: Africa

Sino-German International Research Training Group - Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources (AMAIZE-P)

Grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; “German Research Foundation”) funding a research subject within the Chinese-German International Research Training Group (GRK 2366)"Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources“ for one doctoral student positions to study the Economic assessment of future phosphorus availability: Impacts on agricultural and food markets at farm, national and global levels, October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2027.

"The research aims to explicitly depict phosphorus in a global economic model to simulate potential phosphorus scarcity and its impact on agricultural and food markets. This model will be used to examine the role of international trade on local phosphorus availability and thus food security. It will also simulate scenarios based on research from the other research subjects to assess how they can help mitigate a phosphorus shortage and thus contribute to food security."

Further information can be found at this link

Involved Persons
Involved institutions
  • Universität Hohenheim, Fachgebiet Internationaler Agrarhandel und Welternährungswirtschaft (490b)
  • China Agricultural University
  •  Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – 328017493/GRK 2366

Destination-based carbon pricing: An Indian case study

Short description:
The issue of quantifying the impacts of the implementation of response measures has been well studied. But there has been relatively little analytical attention paid to dynamic analysis that takes into account the adaptive response of the impacted countries.
In this study we will use Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling to assess the impacts/incentives involved for a large complex developing economy (India) when faced with destination-based carbon pricing from key developed country markets.
The case study will analyze the impact of a destination-based carbon pricing implemented in a group of developed countries in four different reference scenarios. The scenarios assume timely decarbonization for developed economies that implement the destination-based carbon pricing, and vary the decarbonization pathway of India and other emerging or developing countries. Our hypothesis is that while response measures such as destination-based carbon pricing would have significant economic and social impacts for developing country exporters such as India, there are also important incentives for those exporters to achieve decarbonization in a world where such response measures become more widespread.

Person involved: Dr. Dorothee Flaig

Funding:  ERCST

Duration: 2025

Location: India




Completed Research Projects

Project duration: 2022 - 2024

The project, funded by UNFCCC in the framework of the Katowice Committee of Experts, develops and applies a toolkit of modelling tools to assess the impacts of the implementation of response measures with recursive dynamic pathways, country level emissions and several SDG indicators, and provides capacity building. The results illustrate the insights CGE analyses can provide for Small Island Developing States such as the Maldives.

Involved persons
  • D. Flaig (PI)
  • A. Mainar Causapé
  • S McDonald
  • L Shutes

Welchen Beitrag können die „Farm to Fork“ – Strategie und die neu ausgerichtete gemeinsame Agrarpolitik zur Abfederung multipler Schocks leisten?

Projektbeginn: April 2023

Projektende: Januar 2024

Studie zur Ausschreibung 2023 der Edmund Rehwinkel-Stiftung der Rentenbank „Mehr Resilienz und Wandel – Strategien für Agrarwissenschaften und Politik“

Edmund Rehwinkel-Stiftung

Involved Persons
  • Dr. Kirsten Boysen-Urban (UHOH)

  • Dr. Ole Boysen (School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin)


Project duration: 2022 - 2023

Internal migration flows, rural-rural and rural-urban, in most African countries far exceed international movements. Nevertheless, the focus in migration studies in Africa lies on international migration. The project funded by EU-JRC develops a migration module that depicts internal migration flows in an empirically based framework for the single country CGE model DEMETRA. The migration module is implemented for a model for Ethiopia

Involved persons
  •  EU-JRC

Project duration: 2022

MASQ Ltd., London

Involved persons
  • D. Flaig (PI)
  • S McDonald
  • L Shutes
  • K Boysen-Urban



Project duration: 2021

Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Involved persons




Project duration: 2021

European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition (ERCST), Brussels

Involved persons

Alternativen zur Einkommensstabilisierung – Sicherheitsnetze in der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik nach 2020

Projektbeginn: April 2017
Projektende:  Januar 2018

Studie zur Ausschreibung 2017 der Edmund Rehwinkel-Stiftung der Rentenbank „Innovative Agrarpolitik nach 2020“
