Current Research Projects
Assessing irrigation expansion in Ethiopia: A nationwide analysis (PhD topic)
In his research, Simon assesses the expansion of irrigation technology in Ethiopia. For this, he conducted a meta-analysis on irrigation technologies of household farms in Ethiopia to investigate differences in technical efficiency and production between irrigating and non-irrigating farmers. The second part of his work is to analyze the national irrigation policies of Ethiopia using a CGE-model. The goal of this analysis is to assess the impact on agricultural production, household incomes, and international trade resulting from irrigation technology diffusion in the country.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Berndt, M., Boysen-Urban, K., Ehjeij, S., Espey, A., Feuerbacher, A., Flaig, D., Heimann, T., Hess, S., Kempen, M., Schünemann, F., and Wieck, C. (2022): Implications of Russia’s War in Ukraine for the Global Agri-Food Sector – An Ex-Ante Assessment using Different Simulation Models. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 3, pp. 134-149. doi:
Other Publications
Boysen-Urban, K., Ehjeij, S. and D. Flaig (2023). Agrifood prices and international trade flows, Rural21 2/23,