M.Sc. Simon Ehjeij

Scientific Staff / PhD Researcher

Office address:
Wollgrasweg 43
Room 227
D-70599 Stuttgart

T | +49 (0) 711 459 22602
E | simon.ehjeij@uni-hohenheim.de

Office Hours: By Appointment

Secretary´s Office

Postal address:
University of Hohenheim
International Agricultural Trade and Food Security (490b)
D-70593 Stuttgart



Research Analyst - Doctorate Candidate, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart (since 08/2020)

M.Sc. Agricultural Economics, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart (10/2017-02/2020)

  • Specialising in agricultural policy and agricultural trade modelling
  • Scenario and policy analysis with general equilibrium models
  • Master Thesis: How to achieve the GHG reduction targets of the EU? An analysis of policy instruments in the agricultural sector


B.Sc. Economics, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg (10/2013 - 03/2017)

  • Interdisciplinary program with complementary courses in political sciences and sociology
  • Bachelor Thesis: Analysis of current employment opportunities in the German labour market using Stata
  • Exchange semester abroad, Universidad de Valencia, Spain 



  • Mercedes-Benz Bank, Stuttgart: Portfolio Risk Management (06/2017-11/2017)
  • Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim: Research in labor markets (10/2016-12/2016)

KBA NotaSys, Lausanne: Finance & Supply Chain Management (07/2014-08/2014)

Current Research Projects

Assessing irrigation expansion in Ethiopia: A nationwide analysis (PhD topic)

In his research, Simon assesses the expansion of irrigation technology in Ethiopia. For this, he conducted a meta-analysis on irrigation technologies of household farms in Ethiopia to investigate differences in technical efficiency and production between irrigating and non-irrigating farmers. The second part of his work is to analyze the national irrigation policies of Ethiopia using a CGE-model. The goal of this analysis is to assess the impact on agricultural production, household incomes, and international trade resulting from irrigation technology diffusion in the country.


Peer-reviewed Publications

Berndt, M., Boysen-Urban, K., Ehjeij, S., Espey, A., Feuerbacher, A., Flaig, D., Heimann, T., Hess, S., Kempen, M., Schünemann, F., and Wieck, C. (2022): Implications of Russia’s War in Ukraine for the Global Agri-Food Sector – An Ex-Ante Assessment using Different Simulation Models. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 3, pp. 134-149. doi:

Other Publications

Boysen-Urban, K., Ehjeij, S. and D. Flaig (2023). Agrifood prices and international trade flows, Rural21 2/23, https://www.rural21.com/english/a-closer-look-at/detail/article/agrifood-prices-and-international-trade-flows.html