Head of Department

Head of Department (on leave)

Prof. Dr. Martina Brockmeier

Contact: Secretary´s Office


+49 (0) 711 459 23392



Administrative Office

Clara Sifi

 +49 (0) 711 459 23392


Scientific Staff / PhD Students

M.Sc. Simon Ehjeij

PhD Topic: Assessing irrigation expansion in Ethiopia: A nationwide analysis.

+49 (0) 711 459 22602


Dr. Dorothee Flaig

+49 (0) 711 459 22600dorothee.flaig@uni-hohenheim.de

M. Sc. Jallow, Mamadou

PhD Topic: Assessing the implications of future P availability for global agri-food markets using a computable general equilibrium approach

+49 (0) 711 459 22437


Namwanja, Emmanuel

PhD Topic: Policies for the sustainability tranformation of food systems in Africa – exploring participatory and co-creative apporaches to improve uptake of scientific evidence in policy-making

+49 (0) 711 459 22437emmanuel.namwanja@uni-hohenheim.de

M. Sc. Abdeljalil Takhim

PhD Topic:

Sustainability Transformations in Global Food Systems: Analyzing the Role of International Trade

+49  (0) 711 459 22784abdeljalil.takhim@uni-hohenheim.de

Academic Assistant

Visiting Scientist

M.Sc. Han Gao