Completed Theses
Completed Bachelor Theses
Name | Topic | Year |
Maximilian Tangorra | Auswirkungen des afrikanischen Freihandelsabkommen (AfCFTA) auf die Ernährungssicherheit in Afrika | 2023 |
Louisa Nawrot | Analyse von Urbanisierung und Ernährungssicherheit: Eine Fallstudie zu Südafrika | 2023 |
Leonie Restle | Die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik der letzten 20 Jahre. Eine Analyse der Wirksamkeit | 2023 |
Marius Zimmermann | Diätetische Veränderungen durch Land-Stadt-Migration und Einfluss auf ernährungsmitbedingte Erkrankungen in sub-Sahara-Afrika am Fallbeispiel Tansania | 2020 |
Paula Gerwin | Impact of the Brexit on trade between United Kingdom and Ireland: a case study of the dairy sector | 2020 |
Jonas Linz | Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU und deren Kohärenz mit den entwicklungspolitischen Zielen – ein Literaturüberblick | 2014 |
Completed Master Theses
Name | Topic | Year |
Namwanja, Emmanuel | Bridging the Divide: Assessing Policy-Research Interactions for Sustainable Food Systems in Africa | 2025 |
Marchiore Libanio, Luiz | Agricultral Trade in Turbulent Times: Assessing Policy Responses and Trade Dynamics | 2025 |
Ilieva, Bojidara | Food Security & Genetically Modified Organisms: a blessing in disguise for world food supply? | 2025 |
Bäurle, Janina | How can we measure food system resilience? A systematic review of literature, conceptual frameworks and prevailing approaches | 2024 |
Nidhi Kaveri | Impacts of Ukraine invasion by Russia on food security of vulnerable countries | 2023 |
Mae Tan | The Impact of Rice Trade Liberalization on Food Security in the Philippines | 2022 |
Leander Körber | Price, Price-Volatility, and Financialization of Agricultural Commodities | 2022 |
Shivani Sharma | Export Competitiveness of Agri-food trade of India with ASEAN countries in ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement (AIFTA) | 2022 |
Sophia Stemmler | Evaluation of Food Security for Selected Countries of East Africa in the Covid-19 Pandemic | 2022 |
Simon Ehjeij | 2020 | |
Philipp Feisthauer | Rural-urban migration: The benefits and drawbacks for food security | 2020 |
Tristan Herrmann | The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Tunisia - Impacts on the Agricultural Sector | 2020 |
Christoph Lämmle | Morocco and free trade in the agricultural sector with the EU – a way to foster economic development? | 2020 |
Alexey Zernov | Impact of international trade on food and nutrition security | 2019 |
Lin Ting Huang | Impact of future economic development on diet quality in India and China | 2019 |
Michael Asante | An AGMEMOD Model Analysis of the Yam and Poultry Markets in Ghana: Implications for Food Security | 2019 |
Maximilian Zinnbauer | Measurement and Causes of Food Price Volatility: A Synthesis | 2018 |
Rita de Cassia Milani | Bio-based products: a comparative analysis of market development and applied policy instruments | 2018 |
Francisco Benjamin Riccheri | Emergence and relevance of global value chain indicators: A study of opportunities and policies in the agricultural sector | 2017 |
Irina Korovina | International migration: Reasons, consequences and challenges for economic analysis | 2017 |
Masooma Torfa | ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement and its Effects on Trade and Labor | 2017 |
Amra Hasagic | Trade and Impact Analysis of the EU Enlargement Using GTAP | 2016 |
Gudrat Alizada | Gravity Model: International Agricultural Trade of Azerbaijan | 2016 |
Sopheavuth Ros | Quantitative Assessment of the Effects of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on non-TPP countries in ASEAN | 2016 |
Laura Angulo Aranda | Analyzing the Effects of Domestic Support Payments in South America: Using Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru as Examples | 2016 |
Vladimir Korovin | Comparing approaches to implement water resources into general equilibrium framework | 2013 |
Marzieh Hamidi | Impact Analysis of Food Aid | 2012 |
Monica Cutinho de Souza | Integrating biofuels into simulation models: How does it influence the result of world foot market? | 2012 |
Alexandros Angelidis | Analyzing the effects of the EBA on developing countries using the gravity model | 2012 |
Claus Mayer | Non-Tariff Barriers to Agricultural Trade between Turkey and the EU | 2012 |
Tim Holmgren | Validation of Simulation Results: Do Analyses of the Uruguay Agreement Fit the Statistics | 2012 |
Fan Yang | An Outlook of World Food Prices and Macroeconomic Indicators in 2020 | 2011 |
Dennis Becker | Does food security gain from trade liberalization? A systematic literature review | 2011 |
Courses during the Winter Term
4902-441 Basic Microeconomics
This lecture comprises the basic microeconomic concepts of household theory, theory of the firm, and the theory of markets under perfect and imperfect competition, as well as the economics of the public sector (public goods, externalities). These concepts are applied in many examples to the agricultural and food sector of developing and developed economies with a focus on interactions between agriculture and the environment. It will be shown how to apply microeconomic concepts to real world situations and policy challenges. This lecture is enhanced by the distribution of exercises and solutions, as well as a voluntary tutorial in order to support students in the application of microeconomic concepts.
ILIAS HohCampus
4902-431 Food and Nutrition Security
This module focuses on socioeconomic aspects of hunger and malnutrition, including global trends, measurement concepts, causes, economic implications and consequences, and remedial policies. The aim of this module is to introduce students into economic aspects of food security and malnutrition. Students will become acquainted with the terms “food security” and “malnutrition”, the economic theory of global food supply and demand, and particularly the driving forces on the world market behind those equations. They will be able to use this framework for addressing policy-oriented questions with regard to food security. Furthermore, they will learn about the linkages between food security of households and individuals and poverty as well as related concepts and determinants like institutions, risk and vulnerability. After successfully attending this module, students are expected to be able to comprehend details of current development goals, including new topics on the trade and development agenda. They shall be familiar with the analytical tools to assess the implications of remedial policies or demand and supply shocks with regard to food security.
ILIAS HohCampus
Courses during the Summer Term
4902-211 Internationale Wirtschaft, globaler Wandel und Ernährungssicherung
Dieses Modul befasst sich mit den aktuellen globalen Herausforderungen, insbesondere den ökonomischen und sozialen Aspekten des globalen Wandels (Wachstum, Lebensstandard, Armut und Bildung sowie Ernährungssicherung). Diskutiert werden ebenfalls die Auswirkungen des globalen Wandels auf Nachfrage und Angebot von Lebensmitteln. Das Ziel des Moduls ist das Kennenlernen globaler Zusammenhänge des soziokulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Wandels und die Entwicklung eines kritischen Verständnisses hierfür. Hierzu setzen sich Studierende mit aktuellen globalen und gesellschaftlichen Diskursen auseinander und diskutieren Fragen wie bspw. welche Faktoren ökonomische Entwicklung beeinflussen, warum sich Länder unterschiedlich entwickeln und welche Bedeutung der internationale Handel hierbei hat.
ILIAS HohCampus
4902-421 International Food and Agricultural Trade
Aim of this module is to introduce students into economic theory of international trade. Students will become acquainted with the theoretical concepts and understand why countries trade with each other. They will be able to use this framework for analyzing patterns of trade and addressing policy-oriented questions in the agricultural and food sectors. After successfully attending this module, students are expected to be able to comprehend details of current trade negotiations, including new topics on the trade agenda, and to be familiar with the analytical tools to assess the wider implications of international trade and trade policy reforms for different groups of countries and population segments.